We all know Asian greens such as bok choy, pak choy, yu choy and Shanghai bok choy have fabulous health benefits for humans. But, can rabbits eat bok choy? Absolutely. In this guide, we’ll discuss what part of bok choy rabbits can eat, the leaves, flowers and stems and if rabbits can eat bok choy everyday. Read on for more info.
Rabbits can eat Asian greens such as bok choy, pak choy, yu choy and Shanghai bok choy in a small portion every other day. It may cause some rabbits gas, so try feeding in smaller quantities to start. A serving size for an average rabbit is approximately 1 small handful.
The Benefits of Bok Choy
Every rabbit owner wants to give their little fluffy bundles the best diet they can. Adding bok choy is not only allowed but recommended as a treat for bunnies.
This leafy vegetable is filled with tons of great nutrients for your bunny. It includes, but is not limited to, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin K. On top of all of this, bok choy has a low amount of oxalic acid, which is an organic toxin that should be avoided in large amounts.
There are so many benefits that come with giving your bunnies bok choy. It has a lower calcium content, which is great to prevent them from passing stones. It is also low in calories, and anyone who has owned rabbits for a long time would know that they can really pack on the pounds. A low-calorie diet is best to keep your bunnies in shape and hopping around happily.
Bok choy is also high in antioxidants, which will protect their little bodies from all kinds of illnesses. Since it is filled with many other vitamins and minerals, it gives your bunny what they need to be happy and healthy.
Bunnies tend to have sensitive digestive systems, so it is beneficial to make sure you feed them fruit and veggies that will agree with them. Bok choy is one of the best options in this category.
Most rabbits really enjoy eating bok choy because it is crunchy and savory. So, rest assured, you can feel secure knowing your bunny can chomp away safely.
Can Rabbits Eat Bok Choy Leaves?
Bok choy leaves are the perfect part of this nutritious vegetable to start feeding your bunny on. They are soft and mild and your rabbit will most likely nibble them up in no time.
Can Rabbits Eat Bok Choy Stems?
Rabbits can eat bok choy stems, however, it is important to be aware that the stems may have adverse effects for some bunnies. Each rabbit will have different food tolerances. While Chomper might love bok choy stems, Fluffy might not fare as well after eating it.
The stems can cause gas and bloating, so give them a small amount and see how they react to it.
If you are planning on introducing other types of foods to your bunny’s diet, do not do it at the same time. Only add one food at a time to properly monitor your rabbit. If you see them enjoying the new food and it doesn’t produce adverse reactions, you can try the next new food in about two weeks.
Can Rabbits Eat Bok Choy Flowers?

Many Asian greens have small yellow flowers. These include choy sum, bok choy sum and bok choy. Rabbits can eat these small yellow flowers safely, as can humans.
Can Rabbits Eat Bok Choy Everyday?
Even though bok choy is safe for your rabbit, you still want to introduce it slowly to their diet. When your bunny is 12 weeks old, you can start giving them some to taste.
Every rabbit is different, so, what some like, others will want to avoid. Give them a small piece and wait 24 hours to see if they react to it. If your bunny has gas and is producing soft stools, it is a sign that bok choy is not for them.
If your bunny has no symptoms, you have the all-clear to feed your bouncy bundle bok choy regularly.
Remember, bok choy should be added to an already well-balanced diet. Hay should be the main food source, and about 10 to 15% should be leafy vegetables. You should also make sure that your bunny has enough water to drink throughout the day.
Can Rabbits Eat Yu Choy?
Yu Choy, also known as Choy Sum, is another variant of Chinese broccoli, similar to bok choy. Rabbits can safely eat yu choy or choy sum, in moderation and with a balanced diet.
The small yellow flowers of yu choy are also edible, by both humans and rabbits.
How Much Bok Choy Can Rabbits Eat?

Depending on the size of your rabbit, stick to a small handful of bok choy.
Overfeeding anything to your bunny is going to have some adverse effects. If you feed your rabbit too much bok choy, it might lead to bloating, stomach pain, gas, and even diarrhea.
If you have ever had to clean up a rabbit hutch after a diarrhea episode, you know it is not a mistake you want to make twice! Bok choy should only be given in moderation and not every day.
Fresh fruit and vegetables should only make up a small portion of your rabbit’s diet. It is better to feed them bok choy occasionally than as an everyday thing. Mixing it in with the other veggies you provide your bunny is best. Giving them a good variety of vegetables will allow them to have a good amount of nutrients in their diet.
Bok choy on its own does not have the right amount of fiber to keep your rabbit’s GI tracts strong and working well. Adding it to your bunny’s food two or three times a week will be more than enough to reap the benefits and keep your bunny healthy.
Can Rabbits Eat Bok Choy? The Round Up
Bok choy is a great vegetable to add to your rabbit’s diet, as long as you do so in moderation. Every rabbit is different, so make sure to monitor them when you give them something new to eat.
While bok choy is safe, your rabbit might have a more sensitive digestive tract and can’t tolerate it. The leaves are the safest part of the vegetable. The stem has a higher chance of causing GI discomfort. So, if you are worried, skip it.
Always aim to feed your rabbit a balanced diet that is chocked full of vitamins and nutrients. Adding bok choy and a few other leafy green vegetables will help you achieve this well-rounded diet for your happy hopper.